Sunday, November 13, 2011

Here's Why OWS Should Matter to You ...

Corporations are richer than ever. Rather than using that wealth to expand and grow, it is used to influence politicians to lower taxes.  What they cannot legally shelter in America is off-shored in tax havens.  Trillions of dollars just sitting there; not doing anything for anybody. Meanwhile, they are not hiring.

If the scared little bunnies have their way and OWS disappears, what exactly will encourage corporations to get the economy moving?  Removing business obstacles?  Okay, I'll bite.  Why would a tax and regulation free environment produce different results?  Wouldn't it result in corporations hoarding even more cash?  That's exactly what would happen.  You would have undrinkable water, Third World wages and corporations sitting on $6 trillion dollars instead of $2 trillion.

But you can vote, right? Thanks to Citizens United, you may never cast a vote in an honest election again. Money is speech -- and that's not a funny euphemism.  It is literally, legally protected free speech.  And who's got all the money? 

You ain't voting your way out of this, pally.

The only thing keeping you from slowly grinding down to a standard of living on par with the rest of the world -- which is $3/day -- is the push-back coming from OWS.  Now, I know a lot of you have bought into Red Scare 2.0 and are terrified that capitalism will suddenly disappear and all cars will be Trebants overnight.  Chill the fuck out and remember that you live in a country which cannot even agree to provide college educations and healthcare for its children.  I'm thinking Bolshevism -- or even European Socialism -- isn't much of a worry. If a politician even mentions extending unemployment, half the fucking country goes into cardiac arrest.  Communism is gonna spring forth from that?  The fuck it will.  And you fucking know it, so just stop.

The only thing OWS will accomplish is taking the boot off our collective necks just a little.  Protesters pushing back will get the bread crumbs flowing down line once more.  Companies will start hiring.  People will forget they were pissed off.  Don't believe me?  Which would you rather have, $2 trillion and 10,000,000 pissed off people at your door or $1 trillion and all the cool shit you had before?

... Unless you don't keep up the pressure; and then it gets worse.  Either come to terms with using your right hand for eating and the left for wiping, as does most of the world, or get good with the campers.  It's that fucking simple, really.

If OWS disappears, it may be twenty years or more before you have another legitimate election or real unemployment under 30%.  Those grubby hippies you like to tell to occupy a shower or a job may well be the only thing that keeps your ass in relative Western luxury.

Ain't that about a bitch for all you suave John Galt motherfuckers?

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